Feel warmly welcomed on this multilingual webseite.
"Respect of the human being as a complex and rich identity is my top priority. The body has keys to regeneration ... let's activate and discover them together. "
I invite you to discover my online integrative medicine consultations, combined with movement sessions, natural treatments, workshops and events!
Infants, children and adults: welcome !
Dr. Gwendoline Fiechter, MD
Holistic Manual Medicine &
Holistic Personal Trainer
Feel free to contact me anytime and ask me any question you might have.
Are you interested ? Feel free to ask me any question you have or:
Our online preparation and the one-on-one consultations that follow focus on exploring your personal journey. What brought you or your child to the point where you are today: physically, emotionally, mental and spiritually?
After assessing the medical advice, treatments and natural therapies you have already obtained from your doctor, we search together for additional natural and practical solutions as well as simple tools which you can use as a support in your daily life.
Regeneration and resilience takes time, and is a wonderful natural process in which I offer support with integrative medicine and all soft manual treatments embedded in holistic coaching.
I grew up in Geneva, Switzerland, in a bilingual family (Swiss German and French). Traveling and sports in the wonderful nature accompanied my youth and opened my mind to many cultures.
I believe I always had a holistic approach to life, nature and human being.
In addition to this intuitive, warm and simple knowledge, I studied academic medicine with a lot of passion. It was physics, chemistry and biology which I loved most:
how wonderful and magical nature (and we are a tiny little part of it) can be !
Learning everything about illness and modern "cure" was very interesting, but also more tiring than healthy! I trained intensely, and am very grateful for the trust and experience I received from over 20 years in the medical filed (including training in: emergency and general internal medicine, pediatrics, mountain medicine and anesthesiology).
Based on the wealth of knowledge that I obtained from many additional courses in soft manual therapy and complementary medicine, I opened an integrative family private medical office in Chur in 2018.
Intense work in the medical office (and emergency duties) combined with supportive sharing with my patients was very fulfilling and demanding at the same time.
Completely unexpected, a vascular accident stroke me like a lightening in 2022 and forced me to stop this wonderful activity.
It was time for me to trust:
and I am recovering very well now. :-)
I also used this time to train and develop methods in:
I recently developed new activities (see above), offer online integrative medical advice, and will give occasionally soft manual treatments (start in 2025) and group "flows" (series of mouvements) in Geneva and Graubünden. I quit my activities in family and emergency medicine in order to focus my work as a doctor on a more holistic approach of life, illness and active health promotion.
I am also passionate about directing new healthy projects for the association "NAKSA", a network of active and creative Swiss doctors.
The world of science, but also the interconnection of fascias, emotions and energy in the body is very fascinating. I would be glad to tell and show you more about it in workshops, retreats or private sessions.
Thank you for reading "my story" !
=> My motivation is to help you to feel, explore, train and support your own body with kindness and attention towards regeneration, resilience, healthy inner communication and long-term healing!
This might take some time and is a lifetime training- but I truly believe it is worth the journey ! :-)
Warm regards,
Dr. Gwendoline Fiechter, MD
Integrative Medicine for Children & Adults
Holistic Personal Trainer